Types of 3d printing Technology

There are many types of 3d orienting technologies in market right now. Different elements are used in different technologies like metal and plastic. Each printing has its own cost and speed of manufacturing.
3d printing companies in Dubai make prototypes of objects like disinfection tunnel that are based on concept and research. They print them out just to have a look on it closely. The first type is stereo lithography it is a known industrial process for 3d printing. This printing helps the object to get the final and detailed look. Its surface is smooth and tight. This printing can give you to best look and can-do functions too. Like it is mostly used in medical models, anatomical models etc.
The next printing technology is selective laser sintering this printing melts the nylon into plastic to give the decided shape which is designed. Their durability is pretty good and they can also be functionalized if needed. If we compare parts of SL and SLS then SLS parts have high finish but they have rougher surface.
Then there is poly jet 3d printing. This is efficient but expensive than SLS and SL. This printing is based on silicon rubber design which gives it a realistic touch. Many prototypes are made by this 3-d printing technology.
Digital light processing 3d printing. This printing is faster and have high speed manufacturing. This printing can design the object with its digital light projector and can build an entire layer all at once. This one is also used in rapid prototyping printing.
Then we have multi jet fusion. The technology is also based on melting nylon powder but with different style. In multi jet fusion inkjet array fuses the nylon powder layer by layer with heating element. This technology has high finishing and surface is smoother. This printing technology is low with production cost.
The next one is fused deposition modeling. This printing is a desktop 3d printing for plastic parts. This technology builds the object part by part and layer gy layer. This technology is not that common plus this printing has rough finishing and surface is not that smooth.
Then there are 2 metal printing processes. One is direct metal laser sintering and the other one is electron beam melting. In direct metal laser sintering the printing is based on metal of light weight and on the other side the electron beam melting is controlled by electromagnetic coils.